Location and Grounds

Oaklands Nursing Home is situated in its own large grounds in the beautiful Cheshire countryside; situated in Christleton on the A51, we are on the road into the historic City of Chester. Entrance and exit is through the horseshoe-shaped drive and there is ample parking on site.

Oaklands' main house is over a hundred years old and boasts many of the original features, including a striking Victorian mosaic floor and a grand oak door and staircase. A large, purpose-built extension compliments the original house.

All rooms are en-suite and offer charming accommodation on three floors, served by a passenger lift. All these are maintained through our continuing refurbishment program.

Residents are able to find a niche for themselves in our choice of at least three ‘day’ areas, each with their individual outlook and atmosphere; the recently enhanced day lounges and dining rooms offer a pleasant and old-world feel to the home, whilst the magnificent sun lounge, with its immense windows and large glass roof, is perfectly placed within our beautifully-preserved expansive gardens.

Oaklands is proud of its two beautiful main lawns, surrounded by trees and an abundance of wildlife. Bold colours, textures and scents are concentrated in our sensory walkway, especially designed for ease of access and security.

Summer afternoons can be passed taking tea on the lawn, feeding the birds or squirrels or perhaps taking a ride down to the nearby beautiful village of Christleton to visit the Church, shop or famous pond.

The local area has pleasant walks, a handy restaurant and village communities that we are involved with on a regular basis, as part of our events and activities calendar and staff training program.


Comfortable and Secure Living
We are proud of our facilities, which include many aids to the comfortable and secure living of our clients. Electrical beds and mattresses, hoists, medical equipment, lifts, including a new stretcher-size passenger lift, guide-rails, nurse-call and the all-important fire-activated door systems are but a few of our discreet, but important facilities.

House-keeping and laundry services are provided by our team of domestic staff who also ensure that the required high standards of cleanliness are maintained.

Our maintenance men are attentive to maintaining the safety and comfort of the environment.

All rooms are en-suite and offer charming accommodation on three floors, served by a passenger lift. All these are maintained through our continuing refurbishment program.

Bedrooms at Oaklands are mainly single, with a small selection of companion rooms available for couples or those who may prefer company. Each of these has its own charm - offering attractive outlooks and complementary furnishings.

We are proud to be able to offer en-suite facilities in all rooms, including some with en-suite showers.

All floors have bathrooms equipped with bath hoists and showers are wheelchair accessible. Each room is equipped with a nurse-call, allowing for assistance on request.

We encourage residents to bring personal items, and do our best to accommodate even the larger pieces - anything that would help create that individual feeling of "home".

Care and Services

Oaklands supports 24 hr dedicated care through our enthusiastic team of qualified and frequently-commended nurses and carers.

Services offered are long-term, short-term and respite care, of which both nursing and some residential placements are available. The nursing care covers acute and chronic ailments and palliative care. Our members of staff understand the needs of people whose sight, hearing or communication is impaired, and have skills in mobility and guiding.

The Oaklands' team works closely with external professionals to improve the services offered at Oaklands and share best practice, including regular attendance at meetings and forums, involvement in pilots, and close communications with the local multidisciplinary team and our Commissioners.

Oaklands has a strong commitment to staff training and development. Training is coordinated by our dedicated training sister, from skills in guidance and mobility and procedures in maintaining a safe environment, to understanding and responding effectively to specialist needs.

We are proud of the Oaklands and the excellent reputation it has developed through the hard work, care and dedication shown by all staff over the years. Our aim is to provide consistently high standards of care, treating every resident with respect and warmth.

Activities and Outings

Led by our qualified activities co-ordinator, there is a programme of entertainment and activities for those who wish to take part - a wide range, catering for physical, cognitive and social interests.

Activities include board games, exercise, topical discussions or music, and creative arts, horticulture, poetry or reading. In-house entertainment can include dancing, musical evenings, bingo and quiz sessions. We enjoy planning our calendar of special seasonal events. Should you have a particular hobby or interest, we are delighted in assisting you to pursue it.

We endeavour to have at least two outings a year which are suitable for even the frailest resident. This is obviously somewhat dependent on the English weather! Trips to the theatre are arranged, or to Chester Zoo, the Grosvenor Garden Centre or Christleton Duck Pond. Other outings are often spontaneous and fun, such as a trip to the shops or local sight-seeing, such as to the Canals and Chester town centre. Visiting clothing companies offer a brilliant service for those who cannot be taken out to the shops.

Volunteers and Visitors
We are very lucky to have a number of wonderful volunteers who offer diverse company and interesting experiences for our residents. Some examples include:

  • horticulture discussions and summer gardening
  • popular reminiscence groups, with themed museum relics
  • visits from our PAT therapy dog
  • company of church-goers
  • community days with local business professionals.

We are a family. It is always nice to see visitors mingling with us all and not standing on ceremony. Feel free to make a drink, sit in your own room or any one of the sitting rooms, or even in the gardens. Please feel free to join in any of the group activities with us or please let us know if you would like to volunteer some time to our activities’ programme.

About Oaklands

Location and Grounds
Activities and Outings
Care and Services

Make An Enquiry