Nutrition and Hydration

We understand the importance of a balanced diet; therefore we offer a varied menu that has something for everyone to enjoy, whilst taking residents’ preferences in mind. For residents that have difficulties in swallowing, we modify the menu of the day so that is it a soft, palatable dish, preparing fork mashable and thick puree meals to the correct consistency. Full assistance can be given to frail residents. Equally, we encourage rehabilitation; if preferred, meals can be taken in seclusion to preserve privacy and dignity.

In addition to the usual mealtimes, staff circulate with a variety of snacks at regular intervals throughout the day – healthy yoghurts and fresh fruit alongside biscuits and homemade cakes.

Hydration is just as important as nutrition and we are proud to have achieved the CCG’s Hydration Pilot in May 2019, which has drawn our focus on offering a wide range of beverages at regular intervals throughout the day to encourage good hydration.

It is essential that the people we support not only have access to healthy food at all times, but also that they enjoy the experience. We are delighted with our recently refurbished dining room, decorated with vintage, village-themed wallpapers – a trip down memory lane to another world that has truly enhanced the dining experience.

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